Why your branding and website design doesn’t feel like you


Do you ever have that feeling that something in your business is just off? Maybe you look at your brand and it doesn't excite you or your website is scaring off potential customers with its mobile design (or lack thereof). If you're nodding your head thinking “that's me!” then this is the blog post for you! We're going to chat about some of the ways you can bring your branding and website design back to life and finally get excited about being a business owner so you can express your bold and bright self instead of the boring and bland website you've been staring at for hours. With these four simple tweaks, your brand and website will be feeling more like you in no time! 

So, let’s get into four possible reasons why your branding and website design doesn’t feel like you:

The colours don’t reflect your brand or personality

Colours evoke emotions, and if you aren't feeling all the right things when you look at your brand, then it may be time to dive into colour psychology and see what colours align with the emotions you want people to experience when they encounter your brand. 

When creating a brand colour palette, there are three important things to keep in mind. Let’s talk about each one in a bit more detail…

  1. Creating a cohesive mood - by using the same colours consistently, you build brand recognition, which helps you position yourself as an authority in front of your competition. Using the same colours will help evoke emotions and feelings as people come across your brand. Certain people are drawn to specific colours, so doing this is another easy way to attract dream clients who have the same vibe as you! 

  2. Setting the tone with your first impression - whether we want to admit it or not, first impressions are just as important as long-lasting relationships when it comes to running an online business as a female entrepreneur. Using the same colours consistently will create a professional appearance for your brand, helping you show up as the go-to gal in your industry! 

  3. Showcase your personality - while your brand should be built with your ideal client in mind, it should also excite and inspire you! Your brand can be a direct representation of your personality to attract those kindred spirits that you’ll love working with. 

To create an aligned colour palette, I suggest first starting with a moodboard. Click here to check out my blog post all about creating your own brand moodboard and how that can help you as you create a beautiful colour palette for your business! 

Your website copy feels flat

Ah, do you ever read a website or product description and click out of it before you finish because the way it’s written doesn’t rope you in? Me too! That’s why it’s so important to have dynamic website copy that appeals to your target audience and keeps them on your website for even longer. For example, whenever Apple releases a new product, they jam-pack their sales page full of witty one-liners that make you want to read more (not to mention their animations and page designs are to die for). 

Here are three more pointers and questions to ask yourself as you review your website copy to bring it back to life! 

  • Are you talking in the third person? Using words like “we”, “our'', and “us” can feel detached and impersonal. When you have to talk about yourself and not just the potential customers landing on your website, try to use words like “I”, “me”, “my”, and so on. If you are the face of your brand, speaking in first person instead of third person can help you connect on a personal level and not appear so formal! 

  • Do a website copy audit - either hire someone to professionally look over your website or do it yourself. As you’re going through your copy, write down the words you use and the words that come to mind that sound like you and your business. This could be phrases and terms like “love letters'' instead of “client reviews” or “say howdy” instead of “get in touch”. The more you can think of, the better! Just remember to not sacrifice clarity for cleverness. If people can’t understand what you’re trying to say, they’re going to leave your website. 

  • Add some fun phrases across your website - to continue what we were talking about in point two, adding these fun phrases will help your website become more three-dimensional instead of stiff and un-fun. Add these little phrases to buttons, headings, your about page, other hidden gems throughout your site.

The photos on your website are too generic

Gone are the days of boring phone selfies or passport-style mug shots! Let’s level up the pictures of you on your website, so that people can see the person behind the brand. Here’s my step by step process to take stunning and on-brand pictures of yourself at home! 

  1. Put on one of your favourite outfits (bonus points if you wear something that matches your brand colours!) and gather any props you can use that instantly tell a story or shows a little insight into your life. Whether it’s your fave mug that you endlessly fill with coffee each day, your trusty notepad or even your precious fur-baby - experiment with different props that add that personal touch and bring your pictures to life. 

  2. I use a Bluetooth shutter remote that connects to my phone so I can pose and take multiple shots without having to run back and forth like a mad woman! I bought this set off Amazon which includes a tripod, lenses, lights and Bluetooth shutter remote and found it works really well for simple DIY home photoshoots.

  3. Find a room with good natural light, set up, and start shooting! Now you have on brand professional images of yourself to add to your website. I’d recommend including pictures of you on your homepage, about page and even your contact page as well.


If you’re a new business owner who’s been suffering from a serious case of design overwhelm and need some help creating stand out designs that feel oh-so on brand and uniquely you - then check out my free Canva templates and training! 👇

You’re not entirely sure what the vibe of your branding and website design should be

Now maybe you’re just lacking the clarity you need around your business. And that’s ok too! Building a brand on your own can be tough, but it doesn’t have to be frustrating or impossible. I actually have a handy workbook guide that will walk you through all the steps and ask you all the questions as you set out on the journey to discover your brand. 

Now before you start a journey, you need a map to get you to your destination! Similarly, your brand needs a roadmap that will lead you to success and help you accomplish your goals. There are three sections of your brand that you need to think about when you are working out what your brand vibe is:

  • What - This section covers what you do in your business and all the products/services you offer. Every niche is going to have a different approach to branding, so getting clear on your what is the first foundational step of the brand discovery process. You’ll get clear on what you offer, your unique value, the problems you solve, and what sets you apart from competition.

  • Who - you can’t have a brand without clients or customers! Here we’re diving deep into the kind of people you want to work with. It’s important to choose an ideal client so you can do work that excites you and aligns with your core values. Once you know the basic things about this target audience, you can create an entire persona to bring them to life! 

  • Why - now this is last, but certainly not least! Knowing your why is all about knowing the reasons that get you out of bed in the morning and that excite you to keep on living! Your why will help you stand out as you market your business. When you know your why, you can set goals and create a vision for the future of your brand. 

Need a hand with your branding and website design?

Do you need some help creating a unique, bold yet professional website and brand for your business that helps you stand out online? Well I’ve got just the thing! Go check out the Kurly Creative template shop over on Etsy! Here you’ll find everything you need to build a stunning online presence...

  • Squarespace website templates

  • Canva brand kits

  • Canva Social Media templates

  • Canva Workbooks

  • Plus lots more to come!

These aren’t your average branding and website templates, they’re fun, lively, and ready to help you stand out as a female entrepreneur in the online space. Even if you don’t need a website, my Canva templates will help you plan content in a fraction of the time for social media marketing and to work out all the little details of your brand with workbooks and fun activities! Click below to explore the full range in the shop!

If you have an established brand and Squarespace website and just want to freshen things up a bit, check out this blog post all about the quick and easy ways that you can give your Squarespace website a refresh without having to invest in Squarespace website design. Click here to read that blog post and check out all the fun ways to elevate your website! 

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Kurly Creative

Hey, I’m Kate! Thanks for stopping by the blog. If you’ve come to learn about Squarespace, design & small biz tips then you’re in the right place!


5 ways to customise a free Canva template and make it your own


Kurly Creative is listed as a Premier Squarespace Designer!