Do this one thing to attract more of your dream customers!


So, you’ve got your DIY website setup, you’re posting on social media every day, writing blog posts, creating freebies just like all the industry pros say to do. You’re doing #allthethings but still feel like you’re getting nowhere. The enquiries are trickling in but they’re totally not from the kind of clients you’d hoped for. You have no idea what to do or why you’re not progressing the way you wanted to. WHY OH WHY?!? You can do all the things you hear about on the podcasts and read about on social media, but if you’re not connecting with your audience in the right way, then you’re not going to get any traction. It all really comes down to one key thing. If you can do this, then you’re going to see massive growth in your business and get your no.1 dream clients queuing down the street to work with you! Today, you’re going to learn the most important thing you can do to understand your dream clients needs so you can start getting more enquiries, orders and bookings from your dream clients asap! Are you ready? Let’s get into it...

The no.1 reason visitors come to your website…

Whether you’re selling a product or service online - when a visitor lands on your site, chances are they’ve got a problem that they’re looking to solve. They could be searching for the perfect, unique gift for their yoga-loving friend, or are needing a photographer to shoot their wedding who doesn’t make a camera-shy introverted couple feel totally awkward AF. Whatever they’re looking for, they’ve come to your site hoping you can be the answer to their problem! I truly believe this is the case even for people looking for solutions on Pinterest - reading a blog post to solve a technical problem on their website, or needing business advice to help them reach their income goals. You get the idea. The point I’m getting at here, is that if you can understand exactly what your dream client’s biggest struggles are in relation to your products or services, then you’re tapping into some serious gold dust my friend. If you can nail this down, you’re guaranteed huge growth and success in your business.

Once you understand your dream clients problems, you can start to communicate that in your messaging on your website, social media, your blog posts and everything you do. As soon as your audience realises you understand their problems, they’re going to see you as the go-to person to buy from. End of story. 

I see sooo many people try and second guess what their audience wants. But let’s get real here, 90% of the time those people are actually just acting on what they think their audience wants. It’s a strategy based on assumptions. Unless you’re your own dream client, this strategy tends to fall on it’s ass pretty quick. Even if you are in fact your own dream client (this is quite common as most business owners start their businesses based off of their own past experiences), you can still get sooo much insight into your dream client’s brains just by doing this one simple thing. 

How do you go about understanding your dream customer’s problems?

So, we’ve established that you need to understand your dream clients problems. There’s just one teeny-tiny thing standing in your way - how the eff do you actually do that?! Well, let me explain…

To get a deep understanding of your dream client’s pain points, the best thing you can do is have real life conversations with your dream clients. I’m not talking hours and hours of in-depth phone calls, just a quick 15-30 minute chat.

You can do this by:

  • Emailing past clients

  • Emailing your subscribers

  • Posting on Instagram stories

or, if you’re just starting out and have a tiny/non-existent audience:

  • Post in a Facebook group where your dream clients hang out

  • Speak to a friend (only if they happen to fit the profile of your dream customer)

Once you’ve got a few calls lined up, make sure you either take plenty of notes, or if you’re rubbish at multi-tasking (like yours truly 🙋‍♀️) record the calls so you can re-watch them and take notes afterwards. If you’re short on time, I’d highly recommend as a low cost way to transcribe your audio files into written text. It’s super quick and easy to use, so if this sounds appealing to you, go check it out! This has also come in handy for me when I’m on client calls, so I can make sure I’m giving my clients 100% of my attention, rather than worrying about writing notes througout the sessions.

When you’re on the call, ask them this question:

“What do you struggle with the most when it comes to [insert your service/industry/topic here]”

Then get specific, ask them to elaborate, ask them why, ask for specific examples.

If you wanted to, you can even offer a little incentive to encourage a response such as a Starbucks gift card, or a freebie of some sort. Even better to offer something directly related to your offerings such as a discount off your services or a free mini-service - just to ensure the people who engage with your survey are invested in your services rather than just being in it for the free coffee! At the end of the day, we all love a little incentive to take action, it might even encourage people to give more detailed answers if they know there’s a perk in it for them!

Another great way to in-directly ask your audience questions about their problems is to set up a survey form that runs on autopilot on your website - you can read all about how to do that right here!


From past experience of working with my amazing 1:1 brand & web design clients, once we got clear on their audience’s problems and desires, my clients started seeing major results, like:

• A steady stream of high quality leads coming in on autopilot

• Having the confidence to finally raise their rates

• Increased bookings from their no.1 dream clients (who are happy to pay their higher prices)

Pretty amazing if you ask me!

So, there you have it! Once you’ve performed this simple exercise, you’ll be amazed at how much direction and clarity you’ll get when it comes to planning out your messaging and content for all assets of your business and brand. You’ll have such valuable insight into your actual real-life human dream clients needs and problems! It’s like having a free all-access pass to your businesses success! Once you know the answers to your dream client’s problems, you can start to position yourself as the no.1 solution to their biggest problems. Once you’ve done that? The only way is up, my friend!

If you’re struggling to connect with your dream clients or unsure of what to put where on your website, I have a free anatomy of a dream client converting homepage guide that you can grab right now!

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Hey, I’m Kate! Thanks for stopping by the blog. If you’ve come to learn about Squarespace, design & small biz tips then you’re in the right place!

Top tip for optimising the above the fold content on your homepage


How To Survey Your Audience On Autopilot